Every Dog Can Have its Website
The Social Web has become so popular that even dogs have web sites. Dogster has more than a quarter million personal pages for dogs. Assisted by their owners, dogs can visit their friends, leave bones and rosettes to their favorite pals and share photos, music, and videos. They even have online socials and real world get togethers.
You can participate in the social web just like all these dogs. Explore using the links in our class blog. Build you own page. Visit your coworkers' pages. To make that happen, add a comment to this blog posting and tell us which social web site you choose to work with. Also tell us what your onscreen name is (so we can find you there) and your real world first name so we have a sense who you are. Then be sure to check back and visit your classmates' pages.
Particpate! Comment! Interact! It's a world-wide phenomenon.
Labels: class blogs, dogster
Web name: richredbill
Yuri, cybutton, Flickr
I had a great time and learned quite a bit. I used the multiply site and my username is 'kmose'. My music did'nt load like I wanted and I will probably be adding all kinds of things in the future. I could have spent days exploring all these things with Steve and Susan. I do spend time exploring things on the web and being 'semi-social' with things such as myspace and second life and others but now . . . now everyone in my house will need to have their own computer for I won't want to give up any time.
Thanks Steve and Susan
Your class expanded on a lot of things I was somewhat familiar with. It is amazing how fast the technology and the software is expanding, making our world smaller and interconnected.
librarything, geroo, paige
this class was not horrible
Thanks for writing this.
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