Social Web Literacy

We'll be discussing the Social Web and how knowing about it can help us make libraries more relevant to our social web savvy patrons.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

YouTube: one of the giants of the Social Web

We've been looking at many personal pages on the Social Web this morning. One of the most popular is YouTube, a site for amateur filmmakers and vloggers. A British couple, for instance, decided to try their luck at an amateur cooking show and came up with Crash Test Kitchen. Posted on YouTube, their "Sponge Blob Square Pan" episode was viewed around the world. Watch how a cooking show can go badly -- but keep its humor. It's all in the spirit of the Social Web. People post content meaningful to them and others find it.

We hope you have enjoyed the class. Be sure to add your first name and personal page URL to this blog posting. That way others in class can stop by for a visit and you can visit them. Leave a comment for us, too. We'd love to hear what you thought of the class or any adventures you have exploring the Social Web.

-Steve & Susan

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Monday, March 19, 2007

LibraryThing is a social web site that has nearly half a million users and is home to more tags than any website on the Internet. That includes big ol' Amazon! LT has over 10 million tags, all added one at a time by users -- sometimes for reasons known only to them. The aggregation of those tags, however, is pretty remarkable and gives great reading suggestions.

We hope you enjoy this class. Please click Comment below and tell us about your experiences with the Social Web. Don't forget to add your blog's URL so others in the class can visit.

Participate! That's part of the Social Web.

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Friday, March 09, 2007

As we saw in today's class, online gaming is not just for kids. We talked about how one company is actually using an online game, Battlefield2 (pictured), as a way to keep employees working across the country connected and to share ideas and information.

Participating in the Social Web can be fun, entertaining and informative. Now that you have gotten your feet wet in the Social Web pool, we hope you will explore new ways to participate. After your adventures, come back here and let us know about your experiences. Leave a comment with your blog's address and your first name so that we can all see the results of your


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