A library intranet loaded with web 2.0 tools
Yes. PCLS has one of the first library 2.0 intranets. Maybe the first. When given the chance to rebuild the StaffWeb, we decided to give it a big helping of the tools and widgets so popular on the growing social web. Now the staff can write their own blogs and read and comment on those of others; tag pages that have meaning to them; personalize the home page; add widgets; and soon collaborate on a system-wide wiki.
If the old Internet was the read-only web, and social networking tools make it the read/write web, then StaffWeb is the PCLS's collaboration central.
Read, write, tag, wiki, ... It's your web now.
Labels: class blogs, intranet, pcls, staffweb
Michael librarything tbirdshockeyfan (same as my Flickr account)
Melanie Flickr meltobin23
Bryan, wordpress, mrgenre
Flickr judy000 Judy
Christi librarything sparker8
Library Thing
library 1
This was quite an interesting class. Very informative.
Colleen - used Geni
Teresa Geni
I took a look at Bryan's blog on Wordpress, it looks very professional. I really enjoyed the class and I'll probably go with the lifetime account to librarything, it's pretty cool! Thanks for an informative and fun class.
I finally managed to forward my blogger account to wordpress and I'm already enjoying a bevy of easier to use widgets and broader functionality. Thanks for the tip, Steve, and to both you and Susan for a great class!
And Michael, I'm blushing. :)
Melanie - I enjoyed seeing your animals photos on Flickr.
Bryan - nice job on the Seattle Marination page. Very professional looking.
Judy, I couldn't find your Flickr page
To the folks that used LibraryThing.com - great job. I joined to. My user name is mrsmcg. I got 96 books entered thanks to the cue cat that I already had at home. The problem I have with Library Thing, is that it's just for books. I would like to find something that allows me to enter cds, dvds, books, etc. I found the Readerware software. You can download a trial on their website, or buy the software that will catalog all the above, as well as lps - yes, I still own those 33 1/3and 45 rpm spinning discs. Problem is, Readerware costs $75. I wonder if there is a website out there like LibraryThing, that will do more than books. I haven't made my decision yet, so I may be returning to LibraryThing.
Geni.com - seemed limited for genealogy. I ended up trying myfamily.com. (powered by Ancestry.com) It's free too, and offers a lot more features than Geni.com. There is a charge if you want to explore census records and the like, but I think that is true with most all genealogy sites. So far I have researched my dad's side back to the 1700s. I've hit a wall on my mom's side - only getting back to her grandparents.
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