Social Web Literacy

We'll be discussing the Social Web and how knowing about it can help us make libraries more relevant to our social web savvy patrons.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Flickr: One of many sites on the Social Web
A library made of booksWe looked at all sorts of personal pages in today's class. One was flickr, a photo sharing site used by people around the world. Personally, I've gotten into flickr quite a bit and I'd recommend it to any amateur photographers. That's my photo of Mt. Rainier as posted to my flickr account last Saturday.

It's your turn now. Explore the Social Web and tell us about your adventures by commenting to this post. Be sure to give us your blog's address and your first name so that every one in class can find it, visit, and comment. Participate! That's what the Social Web is all about.

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

An meme flits across the Social Web
A library made of books I had an idea yesterday that--thanks to all the social networking tools available these days--permitted me to share it with a posting on flickr. Michael Stephens liked it and linked to it in his nationally-popular blog. Overnight, my unique little photo mosaic was getting hits from around the country. It even showed up on a Japanese website. It was a great first-hand experience of life in the Social Web where memes propagate on their own.
